Indigenous Authors and Themes

This Place Is Who We Are: Stories of Indigenous Leadership, Resilience, and Connection to Homelands

Carrying on "Irregardless": Humour in Contemporary Northwest Coast Art
Martine J. Reid, Mike Robinson, Peter Morin$24.95

Being Ts'elxwéyeqw: First Peoples' Voices and History from the Chilliwack-Fraser Valley, British Columbia
- Edited by: David M. Shaepe

We Are Born with the Songs Inside Us: Lives and Stories of First Nations People in British Columbia
Katherine Palmer Gordon$29.95

Luschiim’s Plants: Traditional Indigenous Foods, Materials and Medicines
Luschiim Arvid Charlie, Nancy J. Turner$29.95

From a Square to a Circle: Haida Basketry—Delores Churchill’s Memories of Learning to Weave
Delores Churchill$34.95