Lucky Budd

Lucky Budd holds an MA in history and has digitized many high-profile oral history collections including that of the Nisga'a First Nation. In addition to co-authoring the award-winning First West Coast Book series and Northwest Coast Legends series, he is also the author of Voices of British Columbia (Douglas & McIntyre, 2010)—a bestseller which was shortlisted for the 2011 Bill Duthie Booksellers’ Choice Award—and its sequel, Echoes of British Columbia (2014). He currently lives in Victoria, BC.

A Flock of Gulls, a Chorus of Frogs
A Flock of Gulls, a Chorus of Frogs

A Flock of Gulls, a Chorus of Frogs

Lucky Budd, Roy Henry Vickers


A Is for Anemone : A First West Coast Alphabet
A Is for Anemone : A First West Coast Alphabet

A Is for Anemone: A First West Coast Alphabet


Echoes of British Columbia : Voices from the Frontier
Echoes of British Columbia : Voices from the Frontier

Echoes of British Columbia: Voices from the Frontier

Robert Budd


Raven Brings the Light
Raven Brings the Light

Raven Brings the Light

Robert Budd, Roy Henry Vickers


Raven Squawk, Orca Squeak
Raven Squawk, Orca Squeak

Raven Squawk, Orca Squeak

Robert Budd, Roy Henry Vickers


Sockeye Silver, Saltchuck Blue
Sockeye Silver, Saltchuck Blue

Sockeye Silver, Saltchuck Blue

Robert Budd, Roy Henry Vickers


Summer Brings Berries
Summer Brings Berries

Summer Brings Berries

Lucky Budd, Roy Henry Vickers


Voices from the Skeena : An Illustrated Oral History
Voices from the Skeena : An Illustrated Oral History

Voices from the Skeena: An Illustrated Oral History

Robert Budd, Roy Henry Vickers
