Memoir and Biography

From a Square to a Circle: Haida Basketry—Delores Churchill’s Memories of Learning to Weave
Delores Churchill$34.95

Using Power Well: Bob Williams and the Making of British Columbia
Benjamin Isitt, Bob Williams, Thomas Bevan$22.95

The Curve of Time: New, Expanded Edition
Edith Iglauer, Howard White, M. Wylie Blanchet, Michael Blanchet$19.95

Adventures in Solitude: What Not to Wear to a Nude Potluck and Other Stories from Desolation Sound
Grant Lawrence$26.95

The Road to Appledore: Or How I Went Back to the Land Without Ever Having Lived There in the First Place
Tom Wayman$26.95

Crossing Home Ground: A Grassland Odyssey through Southern Interior British Columbia
David Pitt-Brooke$32.95

Adventures in Solitude: What Not to Wear to a Nude Potluck and Other Stories from Desolation Sound, Abridged
Grant Lawrence$9.99

Ian McTaggart-Cowan: The Legacy of a Pioneering Biologist, Educator and Conservationist
Dennis A. Demarchi, Ronald D. Jakimchuck, Wayne Campbell$49.95