Delores Churchill
Ilskyalas, Delores Churchill, was born October 23, 1929, in Gutaawaas (Old Massett), Haida Gwaii, to Ilst’ayaa, Selina Harris Adams Peratrovich of the Gawaa Git’ans Gitanee Eagle Clan, and Skil Gyans, Alfred Adams, of the Kyanuusalii Raven Clan. Like her mother, she did not attend residential school. She grew up speaking the beautiful language of Xaad Kil (Haida), and following the Haida annual harvesting cycle. Her early experiences provided her knowledge of Haida history and lifeways, and gave her an understanding of the Haida relationship to the land, to others, and within the universe. Delores was profiled in the short documentary Tracing Roots (New Day Films, 2014). She lives in Ketchikan, Alaska.

From a Square to a Circle: Haida Basketry—Delores Churchill’s Memories of Learning to Weave
Delores Churchill$34.95