Elsie Hulsizer

An Environmental professional with a degree in oceanography, Elsie Hulsizer lives in Seattle with her husband Steve. She has a certificate in fine art photography from the Photographic Center Northwest and has exhibited her art in various galleries including Seattle's Odyssey Maritime Discovery Center. Since 1980 the Hulsizers have cruised northwest waters extensively including over 20 trips to the West Coast of Vancouver Island, two trips to Haida Gwaii and four trips to Southeast Alaska.

Between sailing adventures on Osprey, she serves on the Washington State Board of Pilotage Commissioners which licenses the pilots who guide ships on Puget Sound, and on the Board of Trustees for Seattle's Center for Wooden Boats.

Glaciers, Bears and Totems : Sailing in Search of the Real Southeast Alaska
Glaciers, Bears and Totems : Sailing in Search of the Real Southeast Alaska

Glaciers, Bears and Totems: Sailing in Search of the Real Southeast Alaska

Elsie Hulsizer
