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Derek Hayes

Derek Hayes is a renowned historian and the author of multiple books, including the bestselling Historical Atlas of the Pacific Northwest. Trained as a geographer at the University of Hull in England and the University of British Columbia, he worked for a time as a planner with the Vancouver City Planning Department and was also a columnist for Fine Books & Collections magazine for several years. He lives in White Rock, BC.

Incredible Crossings : The History and Art of the Bridges, Tunnels and Inland Ferries That Connect British Columbia
Incredible Crossings : The History and Art of the Bridges, Tunnels and Inland Ferries That Connect British Columbia

Incredible Crossings: The History and Art of the Bridges, Tunnels and Inland Ferries That Connect British Columbia

Derek Hayes


Iron Road West : An Illustrated History of British Columbia’s Railways
Iron Road West : An Illustrated History of British Columbia’s Railways

Iron Road West: An Illustrated History of British Columbia’s Railways

Derek Hayes
