
Caroll Simpson tours Vancouver Island
Caroll Simpson, author of Alone in the Great Unknown: One Woman’s Remarkable Adventures in the Northwestern Wilderness (Harbour Publishing, $26.95) will be touring Vancouver this November and December
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Tyrannosaurus Oddities: Beyond Jaws and Claw
Join paleontologist Dr. Walter Scott Persons IV for a virtual presentation about “Scotty,” the biggest and longest-lived tyrannosaurus skeleton ever discovered, who is now on display at the Royal Saskatchewan Museum. He will be speaking about some of the lesser-known T. rex features.
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Orrery, by Donna Kane, launches after an impressive countdown
Countdown to the launch of Orrery: ten days, ten readings of Donna Kanes poems, by notable personalities including the host of CBC's Quirks and Quarks, the Curator of Planetary Science at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum.
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