Adventures in Solitude: What Not to Wear to a Nude Potluck and Other Stories from Desolation Sound
Off the Beaten Path: A Hiking Guide to Vancouver's North Shore, Expanded Second Edition
Light Years: Memoir of a Modern Lighthouse Keeper
Hiking the Gulf Islands of British Columbia: 4th Edition
Cape Scott and the North Coast Trail: Hiking Vancouver Island's Wildest Coast
Diary of a Wilderness Dweller
The Boreal Gourmet: Adventures in Northern Cooking
Birding in the Glass Age of Isolation
Edible Landscaping: Urban Food Gardens That Look Great
Suzie's Sourdough Circus: with Amazing Recipes!
Everyday Eden: 100+ Fun, Green Garden Projects for the Whole Family to Enjoy
A Wilderness Dweller's Cookbook: The Best Bread in the World and Other Recipes