Dean van’t Schip
Born and raised on BC’s beautiful Sunshine Coast, Dean has been photographing the natural environment for over 30 years. His appreciation for the beauty and biodiversity of this unique area comes through in his high definition medium format transparencies and high resolution digital images. Dean is a regular contributor to the stock photo agency All Canada Photos and has had images published in publications such as Over Beautiful BC, the Encyclopedia of BC, Wildflowers of the Pacific Northwest, Pacific Yachting, Whistler the Magazine and Hasselblad Forum. Tourism BC, the Western Canada Wilderness Committee, the Canadian Parks & Wilderness Society and Harbour Publishing have all used his images in books, magazines, calendars, brochures and cards over the past 20 years. He lives in Roberts Creek, BC.

The Sunshine Coast: From Gibsons to Powell River, 3rd Edition
Dean van’t Schip, Dolf Vermeulen, Howard White, Keith Thirkell, Regan Hately$36.95