Dallas Smith

Dallas Smith has roots from all four corners of the Kwak̓wala speaking peoples with his mother coming from Haxwa’mis (Wakeman Sound) and Tsakis (Fort Rupert) and his father coming from G̱wayasdums (Gilford Island) and Qalagwees (Tourner Island). He’s spent the majority of his career working to bring greater well-being and capacity to the Nations of the Great Bear Rainforest (GBR). As one of the architects of the GBR agreements and as the Founder and President of Na̲nwak̲olas Council he has built positive working relationships with all levels of government, industry, and the philanthropic community to find balance between conservation and sustainable economic development. He lives in Duncan, BC.

This Place Is Who We Are : Stories of Indigenous Leadership, Resilience, and Connection to Homelands
This Place Is Who We Are : Stories of Indigenous Leadership, Resilience, and Connection to Homelands

This Place Is Who We Are: Stories of Indigenous Leadership, Resilience, and Connection to Homelands
